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Rez's Voice

CEO at Essential Need | UN Global Goal Ambassador for Water Equality
Rez'sDollar Score

I want every community in my Country, my neighbouring Countries, and in the World, to have access to clean drinking water by 2030, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Target 6.1.

Rez’s Care Network

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Member of Network

  • The Resistance
  • Sofie's 1st Birthday
  • Essential Mall
  • ROKT
  • Mission For Millions
  • FairAction International

Supported Projects

no water
man with donkey

Target 6.1 Nigeria by FairAction

Kemi from Ora village fetching dirty water 5 hours each day. This ordeal can become history for Kemi and her community of 500, with your support.
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no water
man with donkey

Ora Igbomina

Kemi from Ora-Igbomina village carrying out her daily routine of fetching dirty water three times a day, taking her five hours
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Rez ’s Care Network To give the voiceless a voice in support of ending water poverty - it's free.

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Address: Level 13, 333 George St, Sydney, NSW 2000, AustraliaAustralian Charity Number: 87 608 169 222