Empowering Humanity. Help Achieve United Nations Target of Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water for All. Known as TARGET 6.1.
Together we can solve water poverty by 2030.
0 people do not have access to safe drinking water. You can help change this.
Your support helps
Research and development for sustainable and scalable solutionsEducate
Educate communities and grow support for the MissionUnite
Raise global funding commitments that help achieve the MissionAchieving sustainable access to safe drinking water for all
100% of your donation will be spent on Mission 2030.

Innovate: Research and Developing for Sustainable and Scalable Solutions
We develop and implement innovative information systems that can be used by any country, state, or local government area, to achieve TARGET 6.1.

Educate: Educating Communities and Growing Support
We advance education and awareness about the importance of achieving TARGET 6.1 and sustainable solutions. This process grows knowledge and support that helps achieve TARGET 6.1.
Unite: Raising Global Funding Commitments
We’ve planned to raise global funding commitments for mapping and subsequent sustainable project implementation. This is vital for achieving TARGET 6.1. These commitments ensure that interventions are coordinated, data-driven, and sustainable, addressing the diverse challenges of water access and management, worldwide.
Make a donation

UN Target 6.1 is part of 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the peace and prosperity of people and the planet with a mission to:
Together, we can secure safe drinking water for all.