Our Mission

Our Mission

Clean drinking water for every community in the world.

Our MissionThis is part of UN Sustainable Development Goals known as Target 6.1

World Water Meter

To 0 people on Earth, a glass of safe, clean water is a dream.

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Clean drinking water, an essential need

Clean drinking water an essential need

water-cupTarget 6.1 is the cornerstone of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals because access to clean drinking water is essential for any community to survive.
groupOnly when they achieve this imperative goal can they move forward towards other areas of community, development and progress.

About the organization

EssentialNeed.org is an online global care platform, registered in Australia as a charity, with the mission of uniting all sectors of societies to help achieve the Target 6.1 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which is, by 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all. 100% of donations are spent on Mission 2030 – clean water for all.


UN Target 6.1 is part of 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the peace and prosperity of people and the planet with a mission to:

«By 2030, achieve access to safe drinking water for all»

Mission 2030 Strategy



Develop sustainable solutions with required systems and software


Advance education in public, private, and government sectors about Target 6.1 and the sustainable solutions to achieve the mission


Bring together highly developed countries to pool funding for the UN to achieve Target 6.1
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Address: Level 13, 333 George St, Sydney, NSW 2000, AustraliaAustralian Charity Number: 87 608 169 222