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Maryam's Voice

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I would love to see every single child to have an abundance of clean water. I hope everyone joins this cause and makes our world a better place to live in. Together we can make this happen.

Maryam’s Care Network

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  • Sofie's 1st Birthday
  • Essential Mall
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Supported Projects

no water
man with donkey

Target 6.1 Nigeria by FairAction

Kemi from Ora village fetching dirty water 5 hours each day. This ordeal can become history for Kemi and her community of 500, with your support.
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Maryam ’s Care Network To give the voiceless a voice in support of ending water poverty - it's free.

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Address: Level 13, 333 George St, Sydney, NSW 2000, AustraliaAustralian Charity Number: 87 608 169 222