Silva's Voice
Brand Ambassador & Entrepreneur & EducatorAustralia
Silva'sDollar ScoreHi, welcome to my mission page. I am a father of a two years old. We have been through a very tough period as she was born as a preemie. We are grateful for what life has been giving us and always think positive!
We've achieved much more than imagination. Although we had a very rough start, we are very lucky to live life without water poverty, there are many children who are needing your help.
We want every child to have access to clean water by the year 2020. Register your voice OR donate to support the cause. Thank you!
Silva’s Care Network
No network foundSupported Projects

Target 6.1 Nigeria by FairAction
Kemi from Ora village fetching dirty water 5 hours each day. This ordeal can become history for Kemi and her community of 500, with your support.
Read moreSilva ’s Care Network To give the voiceless a voice in support of ending water poverty - it's free.