Ending two of the world's
biggest problems
starts with you!
Extreme Water Poverty
Their Relationship
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Ending two of the world's
biggest problems
starts with you!
Extreme Water Poverty
Their Relationship
Shared Solution
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Let's first understand Extreme Water Poverty
Extreme Water Poverty
Step 1
Extreme Water Poverty
Children without access to clean water
Without access to clean water you:
need to spend up to 6 hours every single day finding and transporting dirty water
can’t stay in school and need to keep working
can’t breakout of the poverty cycle
will feel sick most of the time and can't stay healthy and you may even die
Imagine you are
12 years of age again
but this time you live in
Zambia, Africa
Story of Violet captured by WorldVision
How would you feel if you were Violet?
Women and girls spend up to 6 hours each day, collecting water, the equivalent of a school day
3.4 Million people, mostly children, die every year (WHO)
663 million people lack access to improved drinking water sources
You get the message.
Extreme water poverty is causing endless suffering.
Extreme Water Poverty
Step 1
Now take a deep breath and take your mind off extreme water poverty
Extreme Water Poverty
Step 1
Step 2
Let's talk about the impacts of Overpopulation
We all need to be concerned with:
Global warming
Number of refugees
Mass species extinctions
Deforestation, and much more
Get ready for complexity!
Relationship between Extreme Water Poverty & Overpopulation
Extreme Water Poverty
Their Relationship
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Do you think if we save all the poor children, the world will become overpopulated?
Their Relationship
This video is by Professor Hans Rosling (gapminder.org)
The longer it takes to save
the poor children the greater the
global population will be
Surprise your family tonight!
Ask them this question:
Did you know child death is causing overpopulation?
Clean water for
every child, benefits all
Extreme Water Poverty
Their Relationship
Shared Solution
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Imagine what it would be like if every child
had access to clean water:
go to school
Less civil wars
will be less
Women can work
Slower global warming
Less stress on resources
More stabilised population
Our Mission:
Clean water for all children by 2030.
Essential Need is approved by the Australian Government as a charity to protect & promote human rights and advance education.
What you can do
Extreme Water Poverty
Their Relationship
Shared Solution
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Did you know you can make a difference with your voice?
Your voice on its own has limited power
But 1 million voices from one country empowers their officials to commit to Mission 2030's funding plan
For example with 1 million Australian voices, the Australian government will provide funding for 12 million victims
In this way,
This is how powerful your voice can be when united
How do we correspond with governments?
Every month we notify our government officials and the officials of every developed country that water security is a priority
We know that once we have 100,000 - 1,000,000 voices, the governments will start to increase their funding toward this cause