
Essential Need's Message

Vijay1998 joined our Mission to help provide access to “Clean Water for All by 2030”. This Mission was initiated by the United Nations.

A big thank you to Vijay1998’s team and customers for joining this extremely important mission on 16 October 2017.

About Vijay1998

Vijay1998's Voice

I join others across borders and oceans with a common voice “to end extreme water poverty for all people”, in line with the UN SDG 6.1 agenda that promises clean and affordable water for all by 2030.

Together, let’s build healthier, prosperous and sustainable communities.

Vijay1998's Care Network


Vijay1998 's Care Network
To give the voiceless a voice in support of ending water poverty - it's free.

Contact Details
  • Information:
  • Support:
  • Phone:
  • +61 2 8006 0200